Thursday, January 03, 2008

Bobby's Story, Part 3

The weekend was over and it was time to head home. I got everything and everyone loaded into the truck started out. Our boarder collie, Missy, was in the back seat, and the two little ones were in the front seat, in between mom and me. Our other Shih Tzu, Kaylee, was lying on the seat next to mom, and Bobby was lying on the seat next to me. He wasn’t as restless as I thought he would be. I talked to him and petted him a little as I drove, and that calmed him down to the point that he went to sleep. He slept most of the way home.
We got home, and it was a new experience for him to get used to. I could see him watching the other dogs, and he kind of mimicked them, took his cues from them. Naturally he had to give the whole house a good sniff. Taking him outside was a new experience for him too. I kept him on the leash and walked the yard with him. He more or less followed the other dogs around, going where they went, sniffing what they sniffed, etc. And yes, I did have to go to Petsmart and get him new things for this house. I tried to get him the same stuff I had gotten him down at the river. I got him the same kind of cage, rug for the cage, etc.
We decided that it would be a good idea to have our veterinarian check him out, so we called him the next morning. We took him in and had him checked out, sort of like a physical. The vet checked him for a chip, and luckily for us there wasn’t one.
The vet said that he was still a pup and that he still had a baby tooth that was stuck. His teeth needed a good cleaning after eating all the leaves and grass that he had been eating to stay alive. The vet weighed him and he weighed 11 pounds. He told us that he was very malnourished, and that we should feed him double portions of food. He also told us to have him groomed and to bring him back in a week and he would “fix” him and clean his teeth and extract the baby tooth that was hung up.
We brought him in a week later, after being groomed and fed double portions, and he weighed 10 pounds. A week of eating double portions of food, along with treats, and he weighed a pound less that when we first brought him in. The only reason I can think of for him weighing less than a week before was that it was all the hair that was giving him some weight.
The vet got him all fixed up. He took care of his teeth and gave him his shots. Then he told us that he didn’t think he would have lasted another day out in the wild eating leaves and grass. He also told us that he thought it would be touch and go on weather he would have lasted the week with us, being as malnourished as he was. But he did make it, and the vet gave him a good going over again and said that he would be alright, and all his vital signs were good.

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